The aim of the Adult Education Center of the Burgenland Roma, founded in 1999 as a sub-organization of the Burgenland Adult Education Centers, is to provide an educational offer for Romnija/Roma and non-Roma who are interested in the Roma language and culture, and to promote encounters and exchanges between Romnija/Roma and non-Roma.
One service offered by the VHS of Burgenland Roma are Romany language courses, which are offered at different levels: There are try-out courses, courses for beginners and courses for advanced learners. The target group of the language courses are, for example, social workers or project managers who work with Roma, but also Romnija and Roma who want to learn the minority language.
In addition, there are a number of events on Roma culture, such as talks with Holocaust survivors, readings from books by and about Roma, commemorative events, film screenings, etc.
New concepts of communication between Romnija/Roma and non-Roma are being tested. For example, a moderated round table is offered, which was introduced in 2009 and is becoming increasingly popular, or coffee meetings on specific topics.
After the very popular Roma Ball was no longer organized by the Roma Oberwart Association and did not take place for several years, the Roma VHS took over this task at the suggestion of several Roma. Study trips have been carried out for several years. They provide insights into the living situations of Romnija and Roma in other countries such as Romania, Hungary, Slovakia and Poland, they deepen the knowledge of the living realities in these countries and serve the networking.
International Roma Day symposia are high-level public discussions that raise burning issues related to the Roma minority and, where possible, initiate improvements.
At the General Assembly of the Adult Education Center of the Burgenland Roma on 21.10.2016, the name was changed to:
"Roma Adult Education Center Burgenland - VHS Roma".
The following board was elected: Vorsitzende Feri Janoska und Andreas Lehner, Kassier Horst Horvath und Ferry Janoska, Schriftführerinnen Johanna Polster-Csecsinovits und Susanne Horvath, Rechnungsprüfer Werner Kaitan und Günther Polster. Weiters wurden folgende Personen Kooptiert Angelika Bayer-Miertl, Margit Crass, Adi Gusch jun., Martin Horvath, Peter Liszt, Stefanie Moor, Margit Poandl, Herbert Potzmann, Eva Schwarzmayer, Christine Teuschler.